Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 20 (The Bürgermeister)

Wow, what a weekend!  I feel like we've finally got our household up and running more or less and so we made time to go to Angelloch and get a quick sewing lesson, see Joern's mom, and listen to some friends play in a concert.  It was really fun, with a mix of classical, oom-pa-pa (these really got the crowd going), and current songs.  It's a small village, and so when the Bürgermeister (mayor) came on stage I figured he had shown up to congratulate the performers.  He checked the mike for sound, cleared his throat...and began belting out Thriller with full band accompaniment!  It was a great moment in musical history.  And I must say, perhaps some of our prominent political figures who feel the need to sing in public could pick up a few pointers from this guy.  Angelbachtal, I tip my hat to you.

The past few days have been pretty quiet, but I really should try to keep up with my 4 lines a day, so here it is:

1. Got started washing the giant mountain of stinky clothes that still haven't magically gotten cleaner by virtue of being at the bottom of the basket.
2. Enjoyed the birdsong as I read in our wohnzimmer*.
3. Discovered some sort of pipe on my washer isn't hooked up properly and halted washing activities for the time being in favor of finding a mop.
4.  Had dinner with Joern and heard about his second day at work (lots to learn, but really enjoying it!).

*Which I liked much better than being dive-bombed by clumsy pigeons as I hung out the window trying to wash it yesterday.

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