Thursday, March 15, 2012


1. Got on the airplane and had a really long, uneventful flight to Germany where Anke (Joern's sister) picked us up.
2. Got the keys to our brand new home, which looks amazing, especially in the wonderful weather we're having here. We also met one of our neighbors.
3. Set up a bed, bought some cleaning supplies, and got to work setting up house.
4. Ate döner kebab for dinner. Yum!!!!*

*Sidebar note: Be assured, dear readers, that we had been eating pretzels pretty much continuously since we arrived.  We would never ignore the best baked product the world has to offer.  On the other hand, the world does have to offer some pretty amazing other foods as well, one of which is the bliss that comes from meat of mysterious origin and shape carved off a spit and thrown into a pita pocket with lots of veggies and sauce slopped on the top.  We have the Turks to thank for this creation, and one in particular for enthusiastically honoring my request for "ein bischen scharf" on both my, and inadvertently, on Joern's döner. 
     **Sidebar to the sidebar: Scharf means spicy in German.  Like sharp.  Like knives dipped in fire sliding down your throat.  Sorry Joern. 


  1. AHHHHHHHH Dönerrrrrrrrrrrrr! So jealous!!!

  2. So happy for you guys! How can you set up house when you don't own anything? lol Poor Joern :(
