Monday, July 9, 2012

Week in Review

Saturday (Day 109)
Drove to an American import store to stock up on Reese’s and Dr. Pepper Diet.
Grabbed some McDonald’s in true American style.
Celebrated our friend Martin’s birthday!
Took over his son Julian’s kiddie pool in an attempt to stay cool (it was ridiculously hot!).

Sunday- 110
Had breakfast with the Wendelken family.
Drove to France to see the Carney family.
Ate more Flammkuchen than was scientifically possible.
Ate even more dessert.
Rescued Carly and Kevin from Stuttgart.

Monday- 111
Went to school so that Carly and Kevin could sleep in a bit.
Bought groceries after realizing they would want to eat later.
Headed downtown to better enjoy the rain.
Ate at the oldest Bratwurst Kitchen in the world.

Tuesday- 112
Prepared and ate an amazing traditional German Breakfast.
Saw the castle, churches, and got some luck at a pretty fountain.
Ate käsespätzle for lunch.
Grilled some brats and Kartoffelsalat on the balcony for dinner.

Wednesday- 113
Dropped off CK at the train station before class.
Learned 10 different ways to essentially say ‘because.’
Went for a walk in the now-clear weather.
Ate some much-needed salad.

Thursday- 114
Practically swam to school.
Discussed where our class should have our celebratory last-day lunch.
Swam home from school.
Went for antoher walk with suddenly sunny, pleasant weather.

Friday- 115
Stuffed our washer to capacity in an attempt to make 40+ loads more like 35-ish.
Re=stocked the guest-suite with water, towels, and mints.
Went shopping for more food (guests seem to like it)
Hung out with Joern

Saturday- 116
Cleaned the apartment and did our Hausordnung.
Picked up Joern’s friend Andy from the train station.
Walked to Mögeldorf for some ice cream.
Grilled burgers, zuccinni, potatoes, and had some cake for dessert.

Sunday- 117
Ate another wonderful German Breakfast.
Perfected my “1 Day in Nürnberg” tour.
Snuck in a quick workout at the gym.
Grabbed a bite with Andy and dropped him off at the train station.

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