Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 146 (Monday)

1. Decided that the pouring rain was a good excuse to stay inside instead of grocery shopping.
2. Tried mixing some new colors with my paint set (a lot harder than I thought).
3. Investigated how to volunteer at our Animal Shelter (yet again a training).
4. Learned more really amazing and totally useless/perhaps obvious to others information in German class.*

*Okay, so we were learning weather words today in relation to driving conditions.  Really important to know, right?  Well, even MORE important are the words for thunder and lightning.  Ready?  It's Donner and Blitzen.  Quick, name Santa's reindeer!  Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid...DONNER, and BLITZEN!!!!!!!! It all makes so much sense now!  So glad I'm learning German. :-)

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